At church, a husband and wife team talked about the same subject. Here are my notes. Any inaccuracies is the fault of the note taker.
- Talk: the greatest among you, every member of the church has the opportunity to serve.
- We are God’s servants.
- Referred to the movie about a rat that learns how to cook, Ratatouille.
- A calling for one person maybe gives them the chance to come out of the shell. By Urdorf
- I could not magnify my calling until it magnifies me.
- One lady got a call to a sacrament organist. She bought a little piano. She practiced every day on the small keyboard and learned how to play. She acted in faith. Eventually met with the bishop. She didn’t work out as an organist but she had already learned faith when she was later called to be Relief Society President.
- Calling give to us to allow our faith to grow and show God we are willing to serve.
- Our callings are to serve others and to learn our individual skills. In the eyes of God, one calling is no greater than the others. Urdorf.
- We need to let our callings to magnify us. How they let us learn to increase our faith.
- Love your calling and let it magnify you.
- Calling: to receive an invention from authorized leader to server him in a particular way.
- God calls people calling that are a good fit for them.
- Dc 121:34-36: many called but few are chosen. Rights of the priesthood are connected by the powers of heaven.
- Perspective father in law to memorize sections D&C 121. He wanted him to understand how it helped him in this life.
- When husband applied to the father in law for marriage with his current wife, Father in law said you must put God first in everything you do.
- If you do what God’s asks he will take care of the rest.
- Dc 4:5: faith hope and charity and love… qualifies him for the work.
- Whatever Gods called you to do you are meant to do it.
- Ether 12:37: if any come unto me I will show them their weakness. I show their weakness so they will become humbler. Weak things will be made strong.
- We need to learn how to balance our calling with other parts of our lives.
- Bednor; How to live a balanced life. There is no such thing as a balanced life. We can only do one thing at a time. The first key is not to have too many plates. Concentrate on important things first. All plates don’t spin (like a chines acrobat) the need to spin at a different speed.
- Do your best.
- Magnifying your calling is different for everyone.
- Whatever skills you have, give your all to the Lord. The Lord will take care of the rest.
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