I went to a political meeting and this media person spoke. Katie Dalley had some good info.
- Dc 123: 13 (paraphrase)Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them, and they are truly manifest from heaven—
- Mary’s monkey. Book tells of the danger of immunizations and other drugs.
- If you are a media person and don’t own counsel you will be told what to say.
- Does her own research, invite her own guests.
- Google John .seek out eerie productions and high impact project.
- NIAC: national infrastructure advisory committee. This group covers 16 sectors of private industry. Don’t get aid but get a Per diem and homeland security funds any projects they want to have happen. One member is the owner of the hotel of Nevada shooting. They are a dangerous organization.
- OPAC: overseas private industry loan co came out during the marshal plan. They are a dangerous organization.
- Check out State secrets privilege.
- All stories originate from Reuters and are distributed to the different markets.
- Buckshuck caucus > bully.
- Check out content Russian television, rebel madmen, activist post for non us media spin.
- Ben swan: media footprint wiped out. Pizza scandal.
- marries monkey book.
- org podcast.