Some comments from a church meeting.
- United, you be become vast army to be a part of this work.
- Why are we afraid to share the gospel? We don’t feel comfortable with our knowledge of scriptures or of the gospel. We can study the gospel and scriptures. We are afraid that people will reject our attempt and ridicule us. Some have a hard time recognize others but they tried anyway.
- We do our part and the lord will help us with the rest.
- Nephi went back for the plates and didn’t know what to expect.
- The spirit is what teaches.
- Many missionaries think they need to reap but they need to learn that they can also sew. Plant the seed that may be harvested later. Missionaries will not know how many seeds will eventually grow.
- Some notice that they are studying a certain topic and others will ask about that question.
- One missionary president: if it rains drink it. Open your mouth and the Lord will fill it.
- Overcome hurdles in sharing the gospel. Pray for missionary experiences that are comfortable to us. If you have a negative experience, at least you can know that you tried.
- People seek and respond to the same stimuli: experience same experiences and feelings. Cold, fear etc. we share things in common.
- Quiet courtesy can usually overcome hurdles.
- Focus on the similarities.
- Religion is people trying to be better people.
- Even if people don’t believe the same thing leave the door open. When you teach the true gospel, it allows the spirit to be there leaving the door to be open.
- How can you increase our desire to share the gospel? When we have experienced the positive things of the gospel we want to share it. Just like Lehi in the tree vision wanted to share the fruit of Christ with his family.
- How can members help the full-time missionaries? Fellowship with the investigators who come to church. Outreach to anyone new to the ward. Send them referrals. We can share the gospel through example.
- Sometimes share our phone number in case missionaries need someone to be present when teaching the gospel. You can be a friend with the investigator you visit and they have a friend when they come to the ward. Sometimes a member of the church can relate to that investigator.
- We can befriend a less active friend or to know our co-workers better.
- Sometimes a member who is struggling with a concept of the gospel you can ask that causal friend can ask how can I help. Then two friends can talk about the principal.
- Realize that we are all learning each of us is at different stages of progression.
- Gordon b Hinckley said: the best track we can carry is the goodness in our own lives.
- When someone comes to church with the smell smoke don’t complain about it.
- Being a missionary lets you interact with people you may otherwise never had a chance to do who are different and social levels or cultures
- Gordon B Hinckley; (paraphrase) a message to missionaries. I can’t promise you fun, comfort; I can promise you can grow like you’ve never grown before. You will reevaluate your lives and establish new priorities and you will grow closer to the Lord. You will walk in faith in the outcome of things you do.
- The gospel is a message of love.
- The gospel is the great source of joy and happiness.
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