Sheri Dew, a former RS president of the LDS church gave a fireside. Here are my notes. Any misinformation or inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
- She was the first church official to go to Siberia. Everything there was grey but the spirit was powerful. During the meeting, the wife of mission president said in English “very Holy Ghost”
- God will communicate with the spirit what you ask.
- We would be stuck in life and unable to accomplish our missions on earth without the savior. So who will we turn to when we are stuck? When we have a weakness we can’t overcome or feel lonely or other issues who can we turn to when we feel stuck. If we can have a burning conviction that Jesus is the Christ. He can help us deal with things we can deal on our own. Our only chance of not being stuck in our life is through God and Christ.
- Much of the miraculous help from the gospel are gifts from God: Elder Holland.
- Preach my gospel: all that is unfair about life can be made right through the atonement through Jesus Christ.
- We each have a divine origin that has been put into place long ago. We‘ve been sent to be a part of certain people’s lives.
- She watched 93% of the solar eclipse and 7% realized it still provides the light on earth. Amazing light but the light of Christ is even more powerful.
- We live at a time when gospel called evil and evil is called good.
- People are observing the light of Christ, but there are enough followers who can share the light. Or can reflect the light of Christ.
- No one can gauge the power of women who live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- A devote Methodist woman was given a ticket to the woman’s conference and she made for observations that stood out. 1. Everyone is so friendly. They made me feel so welcome. 2. Every woman is in a dress. The Methodist asked the woman next to her why. The other’s response, we want to show that we are respectful. 3. I like that they quote scriptures. 4. They all said witnessed what they know to be true. She liked how the women witnessed things you do that they can speak with confidence in what we know to be true. She asked how you know? the response, we’ve learned to recognize the spirit.
- Imagine what can be accomplished with women who have witnessed the spirit of Jesus Christ. Imagine the level of influence we could have.
- Be more articulate and be willing to speak on what you know.
- Learn to repair the breaches in your life.
- Gordon B Hinckley told conference members he was asked to be interview by Mike Wallice for 60 minutes. He thought, Lean into the stiff window of opportunity rather than hunker down and do nothing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAosHXQWyuU ; https://overcast.fm/+CDc3dhvss
- Questions are good, 14 yr. old question to God began the restoration of the church in modern days. We all have tons of questions. Are we willing to engage in the lifelong wrestle of question we have? Through our live God will enlighten our minds.
- 1 Nephi 11-14 vision of the modern day. See rod of iron.
- Nothing pleases God more than for us to ask him questions and for him to answer.
- Russel Nelson: (a doctor) was given the assignment by the twelve open up all countries of Eastern Europe. He wondered, why me? He made multiple appointments with leaders in different countries. People who had appointments would cancel them. Some places police would follow him. By the time the Berlin wall fell. There were for preaching the gospel. Sister Do asked what did you learn? He said: The lord likes effort.
- If we are willing to engage in a wrestle and find out what Christ’s atonement means to us and the foundation thing like is Joseph Smith is a prophet. Then all the questions we have to give us opportunities to grow.
- If we have had a witness of the spirit about different topics then I know the gospel is true and we have a testimony.
- Questions are an opportunity to grow and we can gain a stronger testimony of the gospel and to gain revelation.
- I don’t have all my answers to questions answered but I have confidence that they will be answered.
- Holland’s talks often speak of angels. Once he had a talk about lust, ask for angels to help you. God has used angels as an emissary to show love. Usually, they are not seen. Joseph f Smith: one of the greatest assignments is to administer to us as angels. We can ask for angels to help us to help us with different challenges or to help family members who are struggling. We can plea for angels to help us in our challenges
- Grace is Godly power.
- Our weakness can be turned into strength s through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ.
- We can be healed through the atonement of Christ.
- Everything flows from Christ. He is the enteral healer. He can healer us from decades of pain, sin,
- We can resist temptation and forgive others who have hurt us.
- We can become the best version of ourselves.