Search engines


At life the universe and everything I attend a presentation about search engines. Here are y notes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • A lot of people who want to rank in search engines head into the boats without much thought. Better to have someone watching the waters for shows of fish (with a different vantage point) you can go specifically to the fish.
  • Search engine optimizing is getting your content higher rank/ found then your computers.
  • The higher up you rank on google you get 42% of the clicks
  • Types of search engine: google, yahoo, ging as well as Amazon, YouTube and linked in.
  • Value of ranking: if I could rank #1 on landscaping. They would have to pay 51K.
  • It takes time and patience to see improvement in your ranking
  • How do you title your page? Do they match the topic you want to be promoted?
  • The more people who share can increase the ranking.
  • Linked in ranks: has name and position. Name coach. Part of the summaries as well.
  • Job history shows as a job.
  • You can show which skills show up first in the skills section.
  • But key terms in your interests and summaries.
  • Ranking factors: search for search metrics. They are optimizing products. Once a year they put out a survey they look for common factors of what influence the improvement of ranks.
  • Technical factors: get errors found, too many redirects. Page speed takes extra time to load. Appearance: if your site does not look accessible from a cell phone you can drop. Using https secure web site. Those who are secure can improve ranking.
  • User signals: Put an analytics’ sensor on the page. Google owns it and gives away for free. Google chrome can track views. If to a search for a topic you want and Google looks and it site bounces off.
  • What are some things to keep people on your site: articles, related topics that would interest? Games or videos. If you have a video that is a pipe in from another site if will show vision viewing your site.
  • Content is made of words and images. Used to sprinkle the word throughout your page but now that is insufficient. Google created a rank brain. Google knows what keywords would be associated with the keyword. The author would include schools, visits, and other keywords. Read up on ranked brain to see how it works
  • Sem rush: Is a free version that will give 20- 30 results. Will show what high terms are used by people. For best sf books had other keywords. Will show which months of the yr. are higher.
  • Best science fiction books: (include of 2017) or best sf books “gifts)
  • Is your site easy to read? Google search rank factors.
  • Social signals: Facebook, Pinterest, sometimes a topic in medial/news can influence\
  • Links: try to get a link from a very credible web site. Like BBC. Have people link to your blog and info page. Maybe offer a book scholarship to a literacy student. Pay for books. And colleges may link to you to promote your page.

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