Attended a single’s fireside and George Durant gave this talk. Both George and his wife (Susan) have an excellent sense of humor.
- I found didn’t need self-confidence I gained Christ confidence.
- I can’t control things in my life but I can control being happy.
- You got to laugh and be cheerful.
- Decide to how you will answer the question, how are you? He answered, “It is my best day, so far.” Say that and see how the people around you respond.
- Decide that you are not a complainer.
- Give compliments and be honest about it. When you say that to people and start looking for the good in others it can change your life.
- Took a painting class. One person said one good thing about his painting. The sky looks nice. Another said the art needed work on the foreground. Implement this concept in your life. When you’re helping someone look at their sky.
- If you have an image of Christ in your heart you start looking like him.
- Put all the positive attributes of your add others positive attributes and you have an image of Christ.
- Being lonely is not an excuse to be sad. See the best of yourself.
- Nothing is as important as being a Priesthood man it gives you the chance to be a good man and a good father.
- Go forth in the name of Jesus Christ and he will bless you. He can help you change your attitude and change your disposition.
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