I attended a motivation conference. Here are my notes from Mr. Brown. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
- What you do in your life is a tip of the iceberg
- Someone else’s opinion does not influence you
- Get a picture of yourself for your goals attached to it.
- Put in positive words to indicate it’s been done.
- Make a commitment to reach your goals.
- Don’t be held back by what you don’t know.
- Act as if you have already accomplished your goals.
- All dreams are accomplished twice. First in your dreams and then in reality.
- You need to determine that your brain is necessary.
- You need to upgrade your relationships. You may want to avoid people who do not want to strive for success. What type of person you are becoming is a type of people you want to relate to. One associate with people that will help you grow.
- Knowledge is the new currency.
- Ask for help, not because you’re weak but because you want to remain strong.
- Book: the road to your best self.
- Bring out the greatness in you now.
- Once you open your mouth you tell who you are
- Anger is the wind that blows out the candle of the mind
- Find something that drives you.
- Reach for the moon.
- If you do what is easy to life will be hard. If you do what is hard life will likely be easy.
- Never let what you want to say get in front of what your audience wants to
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