I attended a meeting hosted by the organization called Truce. They want to promote making marijuana legal, at last for medical purposes. Some of my notes have unknown words because I didn’t know how to spell the scientific words they said. Other mistakes are my own.
Video: the scientist.
- Cannabis is another name for marijuana.
- Used Cannabis as a cancer patient who was bedridden. Now I have more of a normal life.
- Looking at the chemistry of the plant. The active compound was never disissvoered (sp) in the pure form. Hashish is a name of marijuana.
- Started working with 5 kilos of hashish.
- One experiment on a monkey it made one monkey relax not sleep.
- Test on cannabis affected people differently. Some felt relaxed. Another talkative every 15 min started laughing.
- One felt her physiological barriers drop. She had an anxiety attack.
- Cannabis was used Cannabis in the Middle East. Used for medicine, excitement was used to eplosophsey. Nothing happened after an experiment of helping 10 patients.
- Finding a cannboid:
- The acts on a receptor. Next question why are the receptor in a sokedistribution? Tested on the brain of pigs because they are closely related
- Found compound in the brain that responded to the receptors.
- Called it compound; Anandamide.
- Tested on children as an anti-cancer response. Stopped vomiting for the children. Did not cause phyco activity.
- Enterodge affect that can be combined cause better results.
- Stred research on bones:in
- In test tube, cannabis has successful restricted cancer. Not tested in humans and animals.
- Some patients improved their conditions. Aptamers and some insanity.
- People can’t over do on cannabis.
- Different cannabis related compounds may affect personalities. Theory.
- Links of research on cannabises on truce.com
Do you have something to add? Please do so in the comment section of this blog. Specally if you know the scientific word I was trying to say.