If you take a hot shower, steam will appear on your mirror. The steam on the mirror is made up of water molecules. These tiny drops of water stick together on the mirror because of a force called surface tension. If you were to dab your finger into liquid dishwashing detergent you can write a note on the steam. You can do a note before the hot shower. Then when the steam forms on the mirror, it will avoid the detergent areas of the mirror.
The liquid dishwashing detergent breaks the surface tension of the water. Wherever there is detergent, the water molecules are unable to form into droplets. The words that are written with the soapy solution stand out clearly against the foggy background of the mirror.
Sometimes we can read the scriptures or listen to the words of prophets and not really understand why they say what they do. But as we live life and overcome challenges by obedience their messages the wisdom of their words can often become clear.
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