History of the Bible: 


This information was provided by a book collector who gave a lecture about some of his collection. He has been in the business for several decades. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Bibles not available in 1247 to the general public. Each page was handwritten. Often one column of the page would take a full day to handwrite.
  • At the time of Christ the Old Testament was translated from Greek.
  • Jerome when he put together a first version of the Bible decidedly only used 24 books. He chose which books of the hypoxia would need to be removed.
  • John Woodcliff was a very impassioned priest who stood up against the boat until the Pope arranged for his death.
  • A group called the leewards got verses from the Bible and read them to the public which is very popular with the public but not popular with the church.
  • Printing press created near the year Columbus was born.
  • 1500 the first book was printed. These first print books were known as ‘incumabula’. In the 1500s it was illegal to have a Bible in English. In the 1400s five people were put to death when they got evidence that they read and taught their children from English Bibles.
  • William trying now had to make up words that never had a meaning before or in the various languages multiple words could mean the same word.
  • Henry VIII printed the first English version of the Bible.
  • 1800s was the first Bible that can be printed cheaply. Joseph Smith purchased a Bible for himself with a day’s wages. You can tell if you have a first edition by reading Ruth chapter 3:7. In the first edition the word he was used instead of the words she. Quote ‘she came softly,” and I has the pronoun he then it’s on a special first edition. If it has a she then the second fixed it
  • 1560 was the first edition of the Geneva Bible. It’s got over 100 editions since then. The unique trait about the Geneva Bible is a had notes that was commentary of making interpretation of who the great beast was. That is the Catholic Church or sign of the beast was a certain king.
  • Shakespeare quoted the Bible at least 1000 times in his plays. The Bible has not changed since the 14th
  • William Todale did a great translation.
  • The word fold using the Bible represents where multiple herds of sheep or corralled at night together. When the sheepherder comes to get his sheep, he calls them out and they followed his voice. The word that should have been used is flock. Flock is the word used for particular shepherds group of sheep.
  • 1800, Samuel Johnson standardize the spelling of words in the Bible

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