I attended the get motivated seminar and took notes on various motivational speakers as well as people selling the product. Here are some comments by Adam Ginsberg. Any misinformation or misquotes is the fault of the note taker.
- 2015 1.2 billion was sold on the Internet. 30% of those purchases were done through mobile devices.
- Book: the legacy effect.
- EBay sold 16 million and has $25 million.
- Amazon sells 106 million and 2 million sellers
- by a few items or find something to sell list it. People find you. A cell is made.
- Everything bad, new, in perfect or broken can be sold. Everything has a value. There was a cracked smart phone that could work unless blood via. The first bid was $.99 and a market as a landline. It eventually sold for $86.
- 100% of the items you don’t list will not sell.
- There was one person that mentioned that a cane was haunted with the ghost assembly passed away. They posted it and it sold for 65,000.
- Someone found the potato that was shaped like a heart and sold it. Then you find other stuff i.e. right sell
- network marketing. Businesses have materials with the logos on it and if you can sell that then your buyers become leads to your business.
- Many stores are close because of Amazon’s increase.
- Sell things that people want to buy.
- Book: the legacy effect.
- Products all of all around you.
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