Family search website hints: 


Took some notes on a family history class. It was supposed to be 10-15 minutes but too the hour.

  • When you do work for your ancestors you are establish a relationship to your past. When you meet each other in our next lives, You’ve already established a relationship. And they’ll be pretty happy about you doing their work.
  • If you like the topic offamily history, volunterr to be a helper for new people.
  • Video: getting started step 3 finding challengin information, is available on YouTube.
  • Setting up a watch for a certain name.
  1. when you’re logged into family
  2. Go to the desired name.
  3. Directly under the ancestor’s name are three choices: View Tree; Watch; and View my relationship.
  4. Click on watch and that ancestor’s name and direct link will be put on the second from the top menu of the web site. The one called lists.
  5. Then when you log in, in the future that name/person is waiting for you for quick access.
  • It will also tell you of changes xxxxx
  • People can reserve a name up to two years. After two years it can be opened up for others to do the work. If you insist upon doing it yourself even though it’s been two years you can renew your management over the name by starting another two years.
  • If you see a name that has been reserved and no work has been done on that person for quite a while, you can contact that person and volunteer to help them.
  • It is good to not put too much on your plate. Maybe work on about 5 names instead of 200. That way others have a chance. Some people try to see if ward members can help with names. That can be challenging sometimes.
  • If a work is on hold by someone else I was told there was an area to find ‘settings’. (I looked and could not find it. Then go to notifications. Click on weekly update and you can be notified of any changes on that name since last week.
  • Click on the ‘notifications’ on the web page to learn about new changes/ improvements on the website.
  • How can you check if information on a person is accurate? There is a link to that takes photographs of graves and provides the deceased children and parent info.
  • There should also be a section where you can check record such as census etc. Be warned that some census info is not accurate as some of the info was obtained from neighbors if the person at the house was not home or a child who is not the parent’s biological child may not be related but may still counted as such. Also some people will change their name.

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