I attended a lecture on body language called the massive influence: these are some of my notes. These can be used when showing not telling about a character, they can be used in story telling or one on one dialog.
- Eat foods that will build energy.
- Great eye contact with people will build energy.
- Eyes = eyes are the library is to the mind. Here are some of the meanings when people change the direction their eyes when in conversation.
- Side to side listening is listening to hear someone else’s viewpoint.
- Uplift of a person’s gaze is listening to the past
- Up accessing their spiritual side
- If they say they don’t know, to a question say: “I don’t know.”
- Read body language. And whenever they do that is unusual for them is giving a message
- Hand signals of pushing something away indicate rejection. Hand motion of join something close means except. When you push down it means stop or suppress when you push up it means uplift or grow.
- Signals of the mouth: if crooked smile where one half is up and one half is down that indicates conflict.
- A frown means conflict of. Next line if the smile lasts it means it sincere
- People who don’t smile get ignored. Get paid less, treated not as nicely.
- You can process seven things at a time.
- Words not spoken will be expressed in body language.
- Work in fewer words more image.
- Walk and like your own – people respond for you can adjust your outcome.
- Want to lose weight, walk around like you losing weight.
- If you lift feet off the floor, means enemies disconnecting from your goals.
- When you fiddle with the middle finger represents responsibility
- Tilt your head up when addressing a problem in your mind. This angle will help you get out of the problem zone. Look straight up or better go outside and look up at the sky. This is a good position to help solve the problem
- When you want to sell yourself to speak and get paid for it. Your sales page needs to be about helping people not about numbers.
- If you want to earn 5K a week talks to people who earn 5K a week
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