I attended How to get motivated seminar and took notes on various motivational speakers as well as people selling a product. Here are some comments by Ryan Oliver. Any misinformation or misquotes is the fault of the note taker.
- Real estate can provide a source of income each month.
- You can build your dream or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
- Never put yourself in a position where you have to ask them your financial words.
- No one can take away your knowledge.
- Rental income pays you during retirement.
- Self direct your retirement account by real estate notes on properties.
- Crisis creates opportunity. No one can fire us from our properties.
- Lasting well occurs during recovery. Learn how to make deals.
- Some people profit from quick cash deals. You get a discount on the first investment and sell it to a cash payer.
- Cash flow your income must always be positive.
- Seek help someone who has experience. Competent investments result in fast deals.
- Have property managers handle your property. They usually charge 7 to 10% of income
- by direct inventory. A useful place to begin is residences that currently have tenants
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