Fascinating new Hebrewism: 


I attended a book of Mormon / Emergency preparedness conference and this is a presentation titled Unknown Mormon Doctrine.  Any misinformation or inaccurate info is blamed on my bad note taking.

  • William Penn, a founding father, said “I am ready to believe them of the Jewish race” when talking about Native Americans
  • Two books: view of the Hebrews by Ethan Smith. And The 10 tribes. Neither author mentioned Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith never mentioned either author
  • Presenters book Jehovah’s holy days in the heartland of North America.
  • To check with the heartland theory, she wants to see if the people live the Law of Moses.
  • They did ram, silver, lambs, wheat, barley, block, goats, palms
  • Jacob 4:5 love of the Law of Moses.
  • One of the books talks about a relic where Horan was a holy object. The Observer got permission open the horn and found parchment inside. He sent it to a linguistics and found out it was Hebrew
  • Presenters Forbes.com/sites
  • email:kenkroguekrogup@Gmail.com
  • William Penn, a founding father, said “I am ready to believe them of the Jewish race. I mean of the stock of the 10 tribes. They agree in rights. They recon by moons. They offer their first fruits. They have a kind of face of the Tabernacles.”
  • 37 Scriptures of the book of Mormon talk about living the Law of Moses.
  • 15+ Scriptures show how the capital of Moses.
  • This is simulator to the 80s on how they treat their women.
  • Jarom 4:5 we keep the law of Moses
  • the book Mormon gives us that who what where and why
  • Omni 21:19 moons.
  • Book: King Benjamin speech
  • Jacob for: 11 offer up fruits
  • These of the Tabernacles. Note the actions of offering given before Bridgman speech. Also King Benjamin son Mosiah is coordinated as King. In Native American culture the chief is usually the poorest of the tribe as he gives his benefits to others. The same is said of hacking Benjamin gave his resources in service to the people
  • The seventh day is called sapot in Native American language Jeremiah 1:5. One visitor to a Native American tribe notice on one day how all the tents were closed and the people stayed within the tents. The people were quiet
  • Rites on how the Native Americans treat the dead are similar to Jewish culture. They put rocks on top of the casket because rocks last forever
  • Separation of women: when a young woman has her first menstrual cycle she spent seven days alone. At the end she burns everything that she touched. She eats food with the short stick. At the end they are now ready to marry.
  • City of refuge: each Native American nation has a town of no blood or the city of refuge.
  • Jewish deity laws: tribes don’t use knives a certain meals. Temples existed amongst Israelites and Native Americans

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