Here are my notes for this week’s addiction class. Any inaccuracies in my notes are the fault of the note taker.
- We need to be ready to do a moral inventory of our lives.
- We may be cleaning a shirt that has a spot on it and while we’re trying to clean that one spot may see another spot another smaller spot in another. This can be compared to an inventory of our lives and our mistakes we see the first big area that we need to improve on but is also smaller spots of things we need to improve on. Some of them are standalone challenges and sunspots may have been the beginning of a spot/addiction that has now grown large.
- We must be fearless in order to be able to look at ourselves and give honest evaluations.
- When we interact with others, we try to show only our best selves.
- Think how we present ourselves at school reunions or Facebook.
- The Holy Spirit can help us write up a life history.
- One person in class noticed patterns in their life and saw that there was consistency in their behavior.
- The Holy Ghost can be your partner during your self-evaluation.
- When there is faith there is no fear.
- If you have difficulty, during your personal inventory, ask God and the Holy Ghost for help.
- Around step two still looking for meeting to attend
- action steps:
- Write in a personal journal; seek guidance from the Holy Ghost.
- Make an accounting of your life, past and present
- Remember your sins no more. (Some have literally burned up this personal journal as a token of a new life)
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