At Life the Universe and Everything symposium, there was a panel on writing clearly. In inaccuracies is the fault of the note taker.
- They did a quote from Orson Scott card’s Endor’s game that illustrated a sample of clear and precise writing.
- Writing is telling not showing. You write triggers that create images and impressions for your reader
- Story is King.
- As authors, we are told to never show but when we are telling we want to get the readers triggers.
- Sketch out and then draft your scene. Note the details to become alive in your mind.
- Check out JohnDBrown.com website.
- There are five modes of writing clear net of summary. You want to have event or stimulus, then a response, and then action
- Narrative summary: is where you briefly make reference to an activity or event without going into detail. You skim the surface.
- Narrative detail: where you referred to the activity/event in detail blow-by-blow. External narrative is through dialogue while internal variation would be thoughts. It’s important to put narrative in sequential order.
- Description: share with your reader to give them a clear experience of the place, person, or event. When she had a description pick one to three specific details that give a clear idea of the character you don’t have to provide seven. Movies were given establishing shot to give the viewer a sense of place by providing one or two lines introductory sentences.
- You consult tags to the narrative by providing one or two things that define the character such as their hands in skinny a bony head.
- When doing description do it in spatial order for example top to bottom, wide generalization to specific etc. an example might be eyes nose mouth. Or for general landscape that might give a general saying that then narrows to attend cup
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