I attend a campaign speech by this guy. I like him. Here are my notes. Any inaccurate or misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Invited us to get involved. We need hands and minds and hearts of many
- He gave a little of his life: His ancestors from Ireland who moved to the US and settled in Mass for religious liberty. They later moved to Utah for the same purpose. Even was born in Provo. His parents met at BYU. They later moved to WA State.
- As an adult, he was hired by CIA. He went undercover in the Middle East and other countries to disrupt malicious plans. In the CIA, he learned what role the US played in the world. Then 911 happened.
- He worked for Golden Sacks and worked with small and large sized companies. He learned how they succeed.
- He became the chief policy director for republican’s party. Learned what kinds of reforms are needed. Learned about national security plus a number of other things.
- He saw Trump attack people and values. He tried to talk others into running. They wouldn’t. They asked me to run. He is.
- We need to build a new conservative movement.
- What does the new generations of American leadership look like? They recommit themselves to the cause of liberty, so we can pursue happiness. Align to the principle that we are all created equal. We must have the realization that liberty comes with diversity. Diversity represents different skin colors and accents.
- When he saw Trump ridicule others Evan knew he is not a true conservative.
- Why is the country special? We are in a land that is choice above all others. Any people on this land had a tremendous opportunity to be the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth. We have natural resources, two big oceans on each side and two friendly neighbors.
- We are a light to the rest of the world. Others in other countries want the American dream. Goodwill comes from other countries when we lead with good ideals.
- When we see leaders attack our ideals we must reject them. The country has suffered from a leadership that has been subpar of some time. 82% feels country on wrong track survey done after the national conventions.
- Americans feel they are not being heard any more. Washington is not accountable.
- Burorcrates create laws and regulations by themselves.
- Congress passes laws where big companies prosper and small businesses suffer.
- National debt 19 billion
- 15 % or about 15 million live below the poverty line. United States Leaderships has been withdrawn from the world.
- Military using 1980 equipment. They have to borrow parts from museums.
- We have lowered our standards for leaders and as a result we have gotten worse leaders.
- We’ve abandoned our core ideals.
- We need to make some changes. Our country has enormous potential. What must we do? Transfer power from federal government to the states. 330 million people in different states want to govern differently. They need to follow the constitution. Power in DC divides us. If power was defused then individual groups could govern themselves. Must restore legleative power back to congress and away from executive.
- We must not shut ourselves from the world. Big government caters to private interests. We need regulations to keep us healthy but we don’t need red tape to get in the way of emperors.
- National debt: We need to reform entitlements. We can do that and keep our commitments to those who are retired. Gradually insert changes.
- Poverty programs are designed to survive poverty. We need programs that will exit poverty.
- Education: empower parent so they have more say in the curriculum and where their kids study. Need to readdress how education institutions are accredited. Need to do something about student loans. Align the interests’ of the university to students. University needs to have skin in the game on loans. That will improve the quality of education and cost lower.
- Need to recommit ourselves to our core ideals. We are created equal. Have a right to the pursuit of happy-ness. We need to return to the constitution. Our constitution is only as good as our leaders have respect for it.
- We must choose leaders who are honest and wise. Will put the interests of citizens first and lead with integrity. We can only get it through a new era of civic engagement. It will be us who will create what we are talking about. You are here. You are engaging.
- Principles for new American leadership: they are not exhaustive or complete. These principles are used to start a conversation in America. Time for a national conversation on these ideals. We need conversations with each other, family, friends and colleagues. Raise our gaze and see how we can advance a new conservative movement.
- Hashtag: Let’s talk principles.
- Need to have a national ideology not driven by Hillary or trump.
Check out his website: https://www.evanmcmullin.com/