It was a great fireside tonight and thought I’d share my notes. due to the length of my notes, I’ll do it in segments. Any misinformation or inaccurate information is the fault of the note taker.
- Whitney referred it to the Saturday evening of time.
- Ways we can know we can draw closer to that day is to read and study and pray for guidance for an understanding of the signs of the times.
- In 1972, Oct. Harold b Lee was sustained at the prophet of the church. The general priesthood meeting said, “It takes a pretty good meeting to be no meeting priesthood. The brethren would talk to for an hour. Lee scolded brothers as loose writings. Writing engendering material what would create unnecessary excitement and fear of the country. I.e.: book how to prepare for the coming crash.
- We don’t have to respond to the sensational.
- Told us to read and study joseph smith’s Mathew: end of chapter 23 and all of chapter 24. Dec 29, 45, 84, 77, 88, 133 that is where we go to learn the signs of the time.
- Sign of the times; Love of man will wax cold because iniquity will abound.
- Men’s hearts will fail them. Think he’s talking to sensitivity, kindness, the ability to care about people than things. We care about products. One example is the loss of life through abortion.
- When iniquity abounds people grow cold.
- Dc 45:
- Dc 88:41? “for fear shall come upon all people” Br. Millet has seen serious concerns as the brethren handle issues of change but has never seen fear from the brethren. One example was given of when Brother packer became part of the brethren years ago. One day, a bomb blew off the door to the salt Lake Temple. Bro Packer mentioned he went to meeting all day and no one mentioned it. He waited until in last meeting until Packer said, What about the temple door?” One of the brethren said, “We will have to take care of that.”
- We don’t need to fear. We can have concerns but not fear.
- Millet told ob being involved with BYU football games, he would tell the TV what the referees needed to do. He missed one BYU game. When he got home he asked a friend who won? Once he knew who won he didn’t want to know anything else. He watched the recording and noticed a big change on watching the game. There was no pressure of the game because he already knew who would win. He didn’t need to lecture the referees. So it is with Christ’s last coming and our emotions. We know in the end, we will win. We don’t need to fear because we know who will win.
- Joseph smith divided chapter 22 into two sections. The first part of the chapter discusses what will happen to the Saints in 70 Ad. The second half of chapter 22 and on refers to the latter days. There will be false messiahs. In modern time false Christs will arise. It not necessarily talking about those false prophets being religious leaders. It may be more of a false system that people come to believe in. Be aware of any system that will lead people away from Christ.
Do you have observations of what you learned? Feel free to share in the comment section of this blog.