These are the notes taken from a Book of Mormon conference I attended this spring. One of the panels was on LDS church history and discussed Joseph Smith’s sword. The presentation talked about the famous speech where Joseph raised the sword and made a proclamation. Any misinformation presented is the fault of the note taker.
- In 18 €42 Smith and walking down the street and they saw a sword in the sky. They learned there will be wars tsunamis and floods.
- September 22, 1827 Moron I gave plates to Joseph Smith elsewhere Brigham Young heard a great sound and great wind smoke and great light. It was very bright even though there was no moon. He saw great armies marching across the sky. At the same time he received Campbell saw a great army all marched in synchrony and he could hear the armies fighting in the sky and could hear their weapons hitting each other with great clashes.
- June 17, 1877 there was a special conference in rock chapel (in a town in northern Utah) Brigham Young gave a sermon and talked about Joseph Smith and Oliver Calgary. Brigham told about how the two men went into the helical more to adore underground and they saw a room with a table they placed the plates on the table and underneath the table were piles and piles of gold plates. The sort of Laban was hanging on a wall. The two men came back days later to see the sort of Laban had been placed over the plates now resting on the table in that room.
- King Benjamin use the sort of Laban in a battle
- On June 17, 1877 Joseph Smith addressed another Legion and assembled Saints for about 2 ½ hours. Near the end of the speech he withdrew his sword and raised the sky. He said that if one drop of blood from his body is dropped then this sword should never be she’s until Christ returns.
- At the conference we saw a glass-enclosed display with the sword the had the sword still achieve. Beside the sword was a walking stick. The walking stick represents one of the 12 sticks that was created from the lid of the casket that Emma Smith asked to be created and given as gifts to the bodyguards of Joseph Smith.