At work they had a day to donate blood. They sent an email of the qualifications. I thought this would be of interest. Copyright, some medical organization I guess.
- You should feel well rested and well the day of donation. Eat a healthy, well-balanced meal and drink plenty of fluids prior to donating
- You must weigh at least 110 pounds
- You must bring a picture ID
- It must be at least 56 days since your last donation
Do Not Donate If You
- Have cold or flu symptoms or do not feel well the day of donation
- Have taken oral antibiotics in the past seven days
- Have had hepatitis after the age of 11
- Have received a blood transfusion within the past 12 months
- Have had a tattoo, body piercing, acupuncture, or an accidental needle stick or have had contact with someone else’s blood in the past 12 months
- Have had malaria or have traveled to a malarial-risk area within the past 12 months
- Are pregnant