I listened to an old recording of a LTUE symposium several decades old. These are comments from a female professor at BYU.
- She met Clark at a world convention in England.
- Born in England.
- Read more and more at age 10.
- Got box on story magazines had made a big influence in his life.
- Age 12 built a telescope out of mechanical parts
- Age13 torn between sciences and science fiction
- 17 joined the scientific society.
- 19 got civil service job.
- He became a founding member of sf society.
- Nick name was ego. Sign byline Arthur ego Clark
- Believed communication satellites can help mankind. (Paraphrase)
- He got a degree in physics in 2 yrs.
- Received several Hugo and nebulas
- His most prized award = who did the most to popularize science.
- 2001 space odyssey movie took 4 yrs. to make.
Clark had a keen interest in space flight and felt it should be a combined effort rather than done by separate countries.