I went to a presentation by a phycologist (I think) who talked about how trying to be perfectionism. The two presenters were Brother and Sister Olson. This is a continuation of my notes. Any mistakes on these notes are the fault of the note taker.
- Professionalism: Tom’s from everyone trying to be flawless in their lives. They cannot make any mistake. One way to illustrate this is an Olympic swimmer might do fast enough to win the gold medal. But the day they won the medal they did not swim as fast as the day. Those we have feelings of failure. This type of perfectionism is not the type of perfection we should pursue.
- If you are active in the Lord’s plan. That means we are being obedient to doing all the things that the Lord has asked of us. If we are doing the best of our ability, the Lord will exalt us through the atonement. It’s guaranteed. God is not a liar
- It is the unrepentant sinner who will not go to the celestial kingdom. When we repent of our sins than the Lords atonement takes over. When you think you have to do everything perfectly by yourself. You are denying the purpose of the atonement.
- Perfect in Christ: this is the perfection that is done on earth. We gain perfection through the atonement of Christ. Grace is the plan and mercy is Christ’s willingness to sacrifice him to fulfill the plan.
- The priesthood has been delegated with authority to help us achieve perfection as we follow God’s covenants and obey his commandments. Examples of covenants might include baptism, the sacrament, temple ordinances etc. These are samples of us following God’s plan. As long as we’re following the plan we are perfect in Christ.
- Exultation: is a third form of perfection that occurs after a physical life. This is where we can become celestial bodies
- You can choose the way you feel by changing the way you think. When you have a moment of depression and discouragement, you need to talk to yourself and recognize the pattern that you are following. Then you make a conscious choice to control your internal language and take a different path by inserting positive thoughts and interpretations rather than negative. When you change the negative thoughts to positive your body will undergo a physical change with both positive thoughts
- Mosiah 4:31 watch our thoughts
- Alma 3:35 – 37 tells us to be humble and meek and withstand temptations
- Moroni 10:23
- We are dependent upon Christ so we need to turn to him.
- Say to yourself: I am perfect in Christ. It is only through Christ that we are successful. We should always approach him with humility and gratitude. We need to participate in the ordinances that made us participants with Christ.
- The Lord’s church is named the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints not the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day sinners. It is through Christ atonement that we can receive a gift of perfection
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