News Jack:


I attended a writing seminar created by the publishers Black Card Books. They talked about how to be a successful l business entrepreneur by using books to promote your skills/business. Here are my notes on the News Jack technique to gain exposure to you, your skills and your book. Any inaccurate info is the fault of the note taker.


  1. Event: there’s an event in the news.
  2. When reporters write an article; the first paragraph touches upon facts and numbers. For the second and third paragraph they touch upon the emotional or social aspect of the event. In these two paragraphs reporters are looking for perspective from other sources.
  • Comment on the event from the perspective of the content of your book. You could become a source reporters come across.
  • Google alerts let you know what’s the hot topics are. Post your comments on your blog and on you tube video. Have the title in some way related to match with the event. In your blog you give your perspective. One author gave a comment that kids with high self-esteem do not get bullied.
  • If the reporter wants you to be on TV – you always want to have professional attire available ready by having clothes etc. so ready to go on TV in short notice.
  • I see the wisdom that when you do each entry the other tagline with your contact information and book information.
  1. com -this is a web address that reporters can get people to contribute content for their articles. If they use your material they may quote you an article. You might say as an author of the upcoming book ‘title’ I have traveled. And these are my recommendations for international travel. There was one good example that I heard in the lecture here was that someone will enter the airplane 10 minutes before it leaves. And as they are the last to enter they will see seats in the front first class and say with a smile is one of these seats available? Sometimes the stewardess will say yes and you get to sit in first class.
  2. Eventually the news event will plateau. But medial watches other media. Other media sources may also want to use you as an avenue of knowledge.
  3. If you are interviewed for a station you need to be willing to hold your ground on what you believe in. One time millionaire mindset author visit a radio show where the radio host kept calling him Mr. Millionaire in a derogatory tone. He also scoffed at the idea of authors making money. Jerry responded that many reporters (radio hosts hate being called a reporter) are usually broke so they don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to being a millionaire mindset. You need to be willing to push back on controversial subjects

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