I attended a writing seminar created by the publishers Black Card Books. They talked about how to be a successful l business entrepreneur by using books to promote your skills/business. Here are my notes on My Heart’s Desire. This is about setting up goals and retraining your self-talk.
- Every single day, create on a piece of paper our heart’s desire. Our list becomes the captain’s orders to the crew of our thoughts.
- Keep the page on your person, at all times and reference it frequently.
- Write it in your own hand.
- Keep it visible.
- Circle one item to pay attention to each day.
- Reorder the list and feel free to add and take away
- Have the topics on your list cover all aspects of your life.
- Be specific.
- Aim for high or big goals.
- Keep on reviewing our list even if you don’t achieve result.
- There’s an online program where people can start this habit of setting a daily mindset. It is called the 90 day challenge. Do a 90 day challenge and do 100% compliance if you miss a day then start over.
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