Writing basics by Black Card Books:


I attended a writing seminar created by the publishers Black Card Books. They talked about how to be a successful l business entrepreneur by using books to promote your skills/business. Here are my notes on Writing Basics.


  • People don’t care about your story they care about their problem.
  • Using a book as a marketing tool can get you access the people which normal marketing pamphlets cannot.
  • You can publish your book yourself.
  • Forget about getting a publisher. A regular publisher can take 16 to 18 months to produce y0ur book, while self-publishing can take about two months.
  • You have no control over traditional publishers your book.
  • Publishers are good in making, not selling books.
  • 144 publishers rejected chicken soup for the soul.
  • Sales come from other sources than just buying the book such as royalties, speaking engagements, free publicity, new leads for your business, new customers.
  • You use your book as a marketing tool. It would be a softcover about hundred 120 pages. If you print 2000 copies a cost about a buck each. It provides more success than a brochure. Cost $.97 apiece.
  • If you want to get into doors use a book.
  • If money doesn’t make you happy you don’t know where to shop.
  • You want to write a book that helps others solve problems and to reach their goals if you message is successful you succeed.
  • You need to reach the point of energy to reach her goal.
  • Step into the author identity.
  • What stops people from publishing the book: limited self-beliefs, money to publish, time management, rejection, fear of success, vulnerability, knowing how to write, and grammar skills.
  • Provide a different perspective: write a book that customers want. Be a reporter and gather information from successful people in the field and share your book.
  • You share ‘here is my advice on a topic. You can tell your story when you tell others what you learned.
  • In your book you include ‘Here’s what other people have said about this subject.
  • The book think and grow Rich was a collection of interviews of successful people.
  • A book is not so much written as engineered

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