Family History Eight, Memories: 


The theme for Family History we discussed saving family memories.

Last two 5th Sundays of the year have been dedicated to improving the Sabbath day. One goo way to spend the Sabbath is to do family history.  Want to do the work when the web site isn’t as busy, get up early.

On the top of the web site, is the memory tab. It has three options: gallery, people and search. Under gallery you can import photos, audio files, photos and stories. You should be able to drag and drop.

Most of us may have piles of pictures that are not organized and labeled. Get them organized and put them in digital format so they can be backed up. Do this before pictures corrode or are destroyed. Each post has 15 megabyte limit.

Always have 3 forms of backup of important papers and photos etc. An achieved CD is a CD that is gold plated and should last 100 years.

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