Habits of the heart: by Thara Finicum Tinney


These are notes from the meeting I attended tonight they are from a speech by Thara Finicum Tinney. She is the oldest daughter of LaVor Finicum (LaVor is the man who was killed by the FBI in Harney County, Oregon. This rancher plus others have been occupying part building to protest overreach by the government and the BLM. A private video was released by the local police that showed that LaVor was killed while his hands were up which conflicts with the silent video posted by the FBI that indicated that LaVor was not shot until he reached for a gun.


She wanted knowledge that her father was not the perfect father. We had shortcut resist liking of the father. When her mother was gone she and the other kids ate a lot of oatmeal. LaVor like the quote: the tree of liberty must be refreshed by the blood of patriots. He talked to his kids that life is about giving back up. It was after long private contemplation, that he come to feel that supported the BLM was not right.

LaVor purchased his ranch from another rancher not from the BLM. He felt to the BLM underwrites the rights of citizens. He was up-to-date on his fees that he paid to the government and the BLM until he came up with the decision that he was in a fire the BLM.

LaVor had the following feelings: You must use your rights or you lose them. When asked stand up against the bully. You can leave a bad situation for stand out an invite others to join you. The BLM is a real threat to the property rights and the Constitution. They converted the law to become an instrument to plunder citizens. Those legal plunder rising has become legalized. If an organization has the power to do good they also have the power to do bad.

LaVor was upset with how the Hammond family was being treated unfairly. A number of ranchers are rising and helping the Hammond in their debate against the BLM. Mr. Bundy (Nevada) was doing civil disobedience to address governments about their concerns.

Any misrepresentations or inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.

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