This was a very positive presentation where I learned same great info about the Muslim faith and people. This is a continuation of my notes of the week before. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
About the Koran:
The Koran was created by people writing down Mohammed’s words as he said them or people writing them down later in their lives from memory. Mohammed was the last prophet. Mohammed said that he came to confirm the Scriptures it had come before him. The only prophet that didn’t have to ask for forgiveness was Christ.
The interpretation of the Koran is influenced by the alphabet character of the DOT. The placement of the dots in the sentences influences the interpretation of that Scripture. Some experts have rearranged the placement of the dot and have made certain previously confusing phrases of the Koran more understandable.
Differences between the Koran and the misinterpretation by certain Muslims are: If you leave the religion you are an infidel but in the Koran is says no compulsion in religion. The Koran teaches that you can live forever with your family forever. It emphasizes the original concepts of the Bible
When Mohammed addressed the people for the last time he said ‘all people’, instead of his usual, ‘my people’. He said Know that you will return to God. Also said treat women right and justly. Only take what is willingly given to you. The greatest one of all was Mary the mother of Christ.
He showed a documentary called not in my name. In that documentary showed how many clerics state that the radicals or not properly following the Koran
This is a very good presentation. I’m told that this man eventually converted to Christianity.
Have something to share about what might be misunderstood about the Muslim faith? Please share your positive observations in the comment section of this blog.