I decide to re-certify the CERT training for its good to be reminded of techniques after a few years of past and besides this information is great content for my Tuesday blogs.
- Orem city has several warning systems that under mass medication. There is texting, email, phone calls and they even have arranged an opposite of 911 where all cell phones in the area can be called to be notified about a problem. You can register to receive such alarms under the website Utah Valley.gov. Provo city also has fire alarms that can notify people of danger.
- The different types of disaster will give you the list and then some examples under that list: Natural: Earthquake, flood, tornado, hurricane and mudslides etc. Utah has about 700 earthquakes a year. Most of them are deep in the ground and in remote areas.
- Man-Made: Terrorism, chemical accidents, violent acts.
- Technology: EMP, sun flares, or breakdown of some utility.
- There are 9000 residents in Orem. We have three fire stations in the city and approximate 4 to 5 individuals that always present per fire station.
- Check out ready.gov to learn about preparedness.
- Check out ready.gov for good recommendations.
- Infrastructure: means items that make a city functional such as the police managing crime or hospital taking care of people. In an emergency the police will take care of the biggest problem society wise. The hospital will not be concentrating on Band-Aids and minor injuries but major injuries and fire stations will concentrate on the big fires rather than the small fires.
- If a building stability is compromised do not enter the building.
- Preparedness requires action notify your friends and neighbors.
- There is a law that you try to help someone to the level of your training, you can’t be liable to the consequences
Here are some examples of complications according to the emergency.
- The reason you want to be a person who is prepared, follows the same policy as why we on an airplane you put an air mask on yourself first before putting on your child. You must be in the condition to help others. Your responsibility is to your family first. This means that you want to take the appropriate measures to make your home safe. Review your home see what an earthquake is quickly due to pitchers mounted on the walls, books on shelves, kitchen cabinets, heavy equipment or just a few. You also want to build respond to possible electrical shock or faulty wiring and possible sewage backup.
- Shelter in place: this would mean where you still a room against chemical danger. That means having plastic, scissors and tape in a specific room that has few windows. Cover the windows and the vents. This is where you would want to have a place where your family can spend a couple of days and safety. You may also want laboratory resources and a means of medication to get a status was going on outside. Some people would actually have the plastic and tape precut to quickly put over the windows when needed. That means he’s already be in the house. Another suggestion is that you would need to have food and water besides the plumbing for easy access for that secure room
- If you want to arrange a disaster plan for your family: these are some of the things you’d want to discuss as a family: where to meet? Contingency plans according to the problem.
- Who is your, and out-of-state contact so that you can communicate with the outside. Phone lines to the outside or not as busy as phone calls within the state.
- Define in advance hired escape your home, your workplace, and your neighborhood. This means that not multiple routes of escape. Know the floodplain of the possible flood and define the best route to take care of the problem.
- Do you have transportation?
- Ham radio is another way to learn was going on as well as communication
Consequences of the Breakup of Water services:
- Fire departments will not have water to stop fires, erosion, flooding, hospitals will not have water to help with the patient’s, hygiene issues, positive crowd control and drinking water, possible riots.
The loss of city Infrastructure:
- No utilities, no schools and places of employment during catastrophe, neighbors rely upon their own capabilities for subsidence.
Breakup of communication:
- There will not be a normal means for the cry for help, coordination of services will be hindered, and family and friends can communicate their status to others, no technology access.
Lack of utilities:
- No gas, no sewer, no water, no power. Sewer back up in businesses and homes. Possible spread of disease, no heat, no cooking, no access to life sustaining equipment, no access to banks and technology for funds.
No Transportation:
- No resupply to stores when they empty their shelves, restricted access of help do you know overpasses. Possible inability to use cars may have to rely upon bikes and nonelectrical transportation. Many actions may need to be performed manually rather than with the help of vehicles.
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