I attended a lecture on body language a while ago and these are my notes on that presentation. Any misrepresentation is the fault of the note taker.
- There are three voices of communication. 57% gestures 36 percent tone and 7% words
- Communication is what makes a difference in our lives.
- Missed communication can hurt our relationship.
- When there is a miscommunication it is the communicator’s fault.
- The audience is looking for someone to let them out of the box.
- List of messages (gestures) do not provide the same result.
- When communicating one can
- Heighten respect
- Stay present
- Manage your communication devices.
- Communication growth can come by getting out of our comfort zone. When you go out of your comfort zone you grow.
- Your subconscious does not care if your message is good or bad.
- 650 words used a minute to create a subconscious message.
- 150 words is what we speak. 500 words remain unsaid.
- We need to upgrade our subconscious program.
- As you change your body language, you can choose your subconscious messages. Our behavior will repeat until we consciously change our actions.
- In communication if you point your full hand with fingers slightly apart and lineup the arm and elbow to your sides it illustrates freedom.
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