I came across some typed up notes from a previous session of life universe and everything. Here are the notes on writing humor into your stories.
- Humor that’s Integral to the character of the story
- Hannibal Lecter had a sense of humor that added another dimension to this character.
- Humorous premise as opposed to humorous content.
- Human should extend naturally from the characters “Dick Van Dyke show, Odd couple).
- Realism does not equal grimness. Unit can be used to deal with pain. Tragedy plus time equal Schumer.
- Here it can be a socially acceptable outlet for frustration.
- “Surprise without threat is humor.” Rick Walton
- Pacing (higher highs, lower lows) enhances humor.
- A given social group can humanize itself without threat, but humanizing another group can represent a threat, that’s what usually doesn’t ever go well.
- One of the biggest pitfalls is to get outside of your own work and look at it critically.
- You can’t write humor that can be funny to everyone.
- Keep your humor natural to you.
- Pay attention to what’s going on around you, what people do. The audience has to identify with it or it would never sell.
- Know your audience and what they’ll understand.
- Read what you want to write.
- One of the keys to writing humor (a joke story, not as too much relief in a larger story) is economy.
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