Characters of destiny: coming-of-age: 


I came across some typed up notes from a previous session of life universe and everything. Here are the notes for coming-of-age stories.

  • Coming-of-age means leaving what has been familiar. For the character needs a lot of development so the reader knows of the character will be leaving.
  • The character to have grown to the point that the current environment is no longer large enough.
  • “His story begins with the person who is in the most pain.” Orson Scott card.
  • The coming-of-age elements don’t need to be the main focus of the book.
  • Innocence to knowledge.
  • In a midlife crisis merely a second (or third) coming-of-age?
  • There’s a certain amount of predictability in the coming-of-age story? The details must very (as they do with different individuals in different societies). We may know where they are going to end up, but we just don’t know how. Civilization is an important aspect of coming-of-age (COA).
  • ‘The quest’ is one kind of COA story that appears most exclusively in SF/F.
  • Secondary characters are there to elicit responses from the protagonist (as children we tend to view the rest of the world as being there solely for our benefit). They can also be stumbling blocks or assets in the COA story.
  • Sometimes secondary characters are there to force the protagonist to become committed to the COA process. Reward is to be King of the universe)
  • You’re an adult because you’re jaded.
  • “Any growth into a new identity is a COA story.” Lois Berjold
  • Three differences between male and female COA stories. (The heroine’s journey, author unknown”. The story might be the same but different characters and approaches would be necessary for the similar impact. The end result probably determines the sort of quest needed for the COA.
  • Why, in male – characters COA stories, is a scene that he has to go through a sexual experience, when with the female character it is specifically proscribed?
  • Should destiny drive the character of vice a versa? The Destiny is created so he / she can find it. But the two are strange strongly interrelated.

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