If we face a situations that we are not prepared for we cannot predict the outcome of that situation. But the end results of many future situations can be predicted by us determining in advance what our decisions will be. Let’s say as a youth you decided not to pick up the habit of smoking. Having made that decision in advance, when your friends invite you to light up, you’ve already made your decision.
I may gain extra pounds because I don’t decide in advance to resist sweet temptations.
If we decide in advance how we will respond we will have a stronger success rate. Other examples of decisions made in advance, could be famous athletes who decide to practice their skills rather than find other entertainments. Through hard work they eventually get recognized for their skills and talents. People gain a musical skill, writing ability, artistic skill because they determine in advance how they spend their time to nurture those talents and skills.
Object lesson: toilet paper, rubber bands, and a towel.
Wrap two layers a toilet paper over a clenched fist. This represents us that have not made a decision on how to how will respond to future situation by temptation. Have the person flex their fist and see how easy it is to break the toilet paper.
This could represent a person that hasn’t really decided how to respond to a temptation.
Now wrap a towel tightly around a clenched fist. Next, put on multiple rubber band bands to completely bind the fist. Try to open your fist and you’ll find the unable to do so.
The towel represents a decision made in advance. This object lesson is a good way to represent a person has made a decision in advance to resist temptation. Many years will take a chastity pledge and determine in advance that they will not have sex before marriage. There are multiple benefits for making decisions of future questions in advance. Preparing for future questions can point your life in the direction that you seek.
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