I attended a political meeting where a media personality by the name of Kate Dalley talked about media.
Any inaccuracies in these notes or misspellings is the fault of the note taker. As I presented these notes I’ve also searched the Internet for some additional links to verify the comments made by this media personality. Some of the links may be related some may not.
- Check out poisonplanet.tv.
- California has a prototype law where people can simply call authorities and call one of the neighbor’s sanity in the pleasing, take the gun
- In the future if you are climate denier you can be certifiable.
- There’s a new term for individuals that are against popular agenda opinion. They are labeled as oppositional defiant disorder – ODD
- Kate moved her opinions the Republican talking points to the truth
- Glenn Beck heard her podcasts and invited to become a part of the blaze
- GC helps the body fight against cancer. A discovery for cancer has been made but the chemical ‘natlines’ in vaccines destroy what is necessary to fight cancer.
- Part of Oran hatch corruption is the NDAA.
- DNR = video news release. The government was given the power to create news media that is inserted into local channels to make those local channels present the news as if from the local media. In these newscasts there is very little interaction between the videos and the local personalities
- In 1958 Smith month (?) started using propaganda to the United States. In 2013 the use of propaganda became legally acceptable to be used by the government.
- CIA operative were inserted to become members of the media in 1970s. Note whenever there is a brimming catastrophe such as the AV virus or the ambler virus and how it can threaten citizens notice how that threat last for about four months. That is the news cycle of each new potential catastrophe of leave she also indicated that it’s related to also flew threats.
- There is something that is not being properly reported about the Bundy people occupying a government building. Media gives impression of them toting riffles etc. they are not talking around rifles etc. but a real merely wearing concealed guns. In the occupying the building in the time of year that is unoccupied by staff
- David Castellar in Utah created a company called insure right. He arranges to find out which cars have not been insured so that those owners can be fined by the government. David was given a grant by the government to start the business and gets a lot of the fees related to not have insurance. He has been so successful and expanding his business in Utah that he’s now expanding out other states. He got a bunch of politicians to promote his business.
- War on women is actually a war against men. Look at all the TV shows of how the females or presented as being smart and in control and all the men are shown as being incompetent.
- Look up a lecture by Richard day. He gave a number of predictions in 1969. He was the medical director at Harvard. He was also involved in Planned Parenthood.
Some of the predictions are that girls are raised to compete with boys.
Everything has two perspectives real and stated purposes.
They’ll also be population control.
Girls encouraged to leave home and not to be involved with the family.
There will be gun centers where people will store their weapons and when they want access them they can either pay a fee or a lease. A member of the audience reported that for certain type of gun I think in the state of Michigan those guns need to be stored in a certain facility.
He also predicts the books will disappear from libraries.
Different countries of the world will be known as the authority and provider a certain quality products for example Japan will be known to have reliable cars. While United States cars are given parts that breakdown quickly.
We would sign an affidavit to the new system people who do not sign this may not buy or sell home.
Employee checks to banks via digital deposits
Acceptance of United Nations.
- The Rockefeller Center already has cancer solution but will not use it so as to maintain population control.
- Heartland Cleveland arranged to fund the United Nations through the money from emissions tax paid by United States citizens to fun the UN. The United Nations will be seen as a saving grace.
- The population of China are being signed a social number. The higher the number the more the individual is labeled as a good citizen. Businesses will give services to individuals of a high-ranking number. This will eventually come to the United States.
- As new Congressman and congress women go back east they are either threatened or bought.
- Media trains us of who to hate and who like
- We fight the wars for the reason we want to fight war.
- John Stockwell presented the idea of team A and team B. We simply rotate team a to keep the a supporters happy and then team be to keep the B supporters happy and things pretty much remain the same this helps keep the people complacent. Just notice how either part it’s always the same staff no matter who the political head is
- We are encouraged to write op-ed’s for the newspaper or write blog entries or Facebook entries stand out for what is right. 13% of the populations were the ones who arranged for overcoming Greenland and a new nation. People want to maintain livelihood over liberty
- The increase of autism is influenced by the chemicals that are sprayed in the beginning of the growth of crops and just prior to the harvesting of crops.
- Norman Dodd: of the Carnegie foundation in 1908 started changing our history books. He approached for educators in the United States. They turned him down. He then got other educators send them over to Europe educated them to the principles he wanted and brought them back. Since then the United States educational system has gone through a drastic change.
Here’s a link: we’ll see if its related: http://www.realityzone.com/hiddenagenda2.html
Note related but interesting: http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/regionalism/dodd.htm
- Media sources that don’t follow the Republican or Democrat plots against.1. RT Russia today 2. Defending you time.org
- You can listen to Kate Dalley show through Foxnews1450.com 1 – 4 PM. Or through sound cloud.
It was an interesting lecture. I heard some things I hadn’t heard before and some of the links were interesting. I will need to read some of them in more depth.