These are a final of notes from an emergency fair/book of Mormon evidence conference I attended last spring. This was my favorite lecture. It was lengthy but very interesting.
The Third War: Second War: Last Day Lecture part 3:
- The third war shall be 3 ½ year war of all against Israel
- There will be a great earthquake and a great hailstorm which would destroy crops. Hell will be 70 pounds in weight.
- Armageddon armies will be destroyed
- Surviving Jews will meet Christ at the Mount of Olives.
- You must prepare ourselves physically, spiritually, I actually
- Centers around the continent of New Jerusalem city3 Nephi 20 – 21 and 16.
- George Washington had a vision of that war also, there’s the Quaker vision of the last days.
- Book: Anatoli Golitsyn defeated to US
- Brooke: 1984. New lies for old
- Russia fate the death of communism, announces the end of communism, opens Russia borders by dismantling the Berlin wall and the breakup of the USSR. Russia embraces democracy and arranges for Democratic leaders
- Agents were distributed throughout United States government.
- Get control of media.
- foster socialist leanings
- Fake breakup between China and Russia.
- Fake the dismantling of Russia military.
- Rebuild industrial infrastructure. Russia applied to for financing to get new technology for Russian.
- Quickly rearm to take over strategic places oil supplies and travel route.
- Pre-position in US sleeper agents.
- Attack with overwhelming forces.
- Look, look up president Putin quote, “war is inevitable closing quote
- Signs that the preparing for war is cyber-attacks, test US defenses take over country terrorist attacks dollar collapses late this year.
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