These are a continuation of notes from an emergency fair/book of Mormon evidence conference I attended last spring. This was my favorite lecture. It was lengthy but very interesting.
Second War:
- Check out Ezekiel 9:2 –7, DC 112:23,
- The second war shall last one day one month and one year.
- The second war is described in the second half of revelations nine. Cha last one year, one month, one day, one hour
- One third of the people shall be killed.
- Army shall be 200 million soldiers.
- After war survivors do not repent from devil worship.
- Who can put together 200 million soldiers, China. China has signed an agreement with Russia.
- Then even divided up the country as to who gets what part of the land.
- The enemy will be kept at bay by miracles.
- We don’t know how to start spelling know how it ends.
- Two prophets will be killed as the enemy moves forward in three and have days, the province will rise up.
- While looking up the spelling of the war I found this interesting link: