Event is this Friday not last, Friday the 6th.
This month we are bringing you the consummate whistle blower who was deep inside the power structure of the political elite and who has basically risked it all to come out and expose the evil. Come meet the only man in the history of the nation that has caused a US President to become impeached. Of the 38 public Clinton scandals, he brought 37 of them to light. He knows where the bodies are buried both in the past with Bill and now in 2015 with Hillary. His name is Larry Nichols and he has been on countless radio and TV shows telling his story. Want the truth about Hillary? Want the truth on Vince Foster, Whitewater, Bengazi, and the orchestrated Emailgate? And much, much, more including why Hillary will likely be the next president.
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You may be thinking to yourself, “What do I care about the Clintons? That’s ancient history!” Well my friends, history repeats itself and whether you think, Hillary will be the next president or not is really irrelevant. What Mr. Nichols is coming share with us is much bigger than that. He is coming to us for one reason and one reason only. To try to save the country which is nearly in the throes of death and on life support, even as we speak. And he has the key to the solution that you do not want to miss.
But before you go any farther….
Here are two 30 minute videos that you absolutely need to watch- today- especially if you are thinking that you know everything already or that this is old news and you are not planning on coming.. By the way, he has new information and a smoking gun that will go way beyond these videos which were shot in June and September of this year.
Additional article-
DISCLAIMER: We do not support any political party or candidate. We only seek truth and bring to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherever they be found.
Many people claim that we are all about fear mongering or doom and gloom. Well, if your house is on fire and someone is yelling at you to wake up and get out, is that fear mongering? Is that doom and gloom? Recognition and awakening to your “awful situation” is the first step to being able to prepare for, OR help join with, those who are trying to defend against or mitigate the problem. Or you can choose to stay in your bed and go back to sleep.
If you are convinced that Trump is going to beat Hillary and save America, you might be interested in this compilation of ongoing polls that continue to show, in a head to head race…. Hillary beats Trump nearly every time and in nearly every single poll. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html Maybe surprising to you but no less indicative of the probable outcome.
A reporter asked Bill Clinton, “What are Hillary’s three biggest challenges to becoming the next president?” His answer was, “1. Larry Nichols 2. Larry Nichols and 3. Larry Nichols.”
So we invite you to come to our next meeting. You may find out, that you really don’t know what you don’t know and it may be of some value to you as you attempt to discern truth and try to feel your way through the Matrix that we now find ourselves in at this exciting time in the history of the world. Hope to see you there!
P.S. We asking for a $3 donation to help us cover the costs associated with this event.
P.S.S. For those who do not know where the meeting is, here is the link to the map: