These are notes from an emergency fair/book of Mormon evidence conference I attended last spring. This was my favorite lecture. It was lengthy but very interesting.
In the book of revelations it discusses the seven seals.
- The first five seals cover 5000 years and are discussed in 11 versus.
- The six seal is mentioned in 23 versus
- The seventh seal is mentioned in 12 chapters.
- There are two opposing forces.
- Christ promotes freedom invites people to accept him to serve others.
- The devil. The man’s control, forces compliance and six power over others.
- The world will have a global economy. Christians will be persecuted and murdered.
- There will be a false prophet with great power
Seven last plagues and wrath of God.
- One third of the trees and grass shall burn.
- A third of the seashell die, and the sea turned the blood.
- Freshwater becomes polluted.
- The sun. Skin cancer is the fastest growing cancer today.
- There will also be the three woes, which represents the three wars. Read chapter 9 of revelations. The first war should last five months. The speaker feels this is The Invasion of Kuwait. It shall last five months. Talks about smoke out of the ground (the Gulf War had burning oil wells) Says that no grass shall be harmed. Kuwait is in a desert. An army sealed could mean that the soldiers were contained in their vehicles. References starvation and the civilians were starving. Talks about the devil like leader, which could be compared to the president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. There is 168 killed on the US side and over 100,000 Iraq killed. Saddam Hussein name means destroyer.