A few months ago I attended a conference on religious liberty conference at UVU. Here are my notes from one of the presentations. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
- Government mandate. HHS affordable care act paper civilization. Administration committed a one-year delay and now is in action.
- Religious autonomy: hosanna tabor, for 400 years schedule of appeals, role exempted certain religious organizations from a certain law. Such as hiring or firing ministers.
- Student of religious rights. Faith-based student groups have to accept anyone as a member of a group or leader. The agreement, even if they are not of that group. Result of this is the striving religious organizations off-campus.
- Religious land use. Want to use private property and public land for use in religious activities. Muslims land wanted to build a new mosque. They were denied because of public resistance. Judge voted against it.
- Religious conscience right. Stock and dispense the night after drug to religious pharmacist resisted the dispense of this drug. They were taken to court, so the pharmacist did have a choice.
- Redefinition of antidiscrimination laws. Faith-based adoption organizations are having to close because they did not want to permit the adoption of children to same-sex couples.
- Religion in the public square. Law against prayer or removing religious symbols from public organizations and meanings. This right is currently upheld.
- Blaine amendments: is rooted by Catholic schools want access public funds for their education. The Blaine act prevents use. So I can’t help disabled children attend a religious schools or prevents them to access scholarships.
- Minorities rights. Pastor Sata eagle feathers. Fellow federal agent attended a Native American ceremony that involved eagle feathers and targeted the tribe for breaking the law.
- Prisoners religious rights. Many prisoners are denied the opportunity to reform religious acts.
- Nathan B Owen: why for-profit organizations should be treated as persons.
- ACA/Obama care regulation includes occupation against religion. They present the argument that religion can only be done by people. That would imply that churches can’t exercise religion.
- For-profit businesses are prevented from exercising religion. Corporations are set up as a limited liabilities, which means that owners can still keep their homes, even if it the company sued
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