Steps to stop UTA project to increase Orem city taxes: 


This week I got this email. I support it.

We the People VS Those who will Profit from Prop 1 (UTA and their Lobbyists who are spending more that $425K -follow the money)

YOU are the solution.  Here is the plan.  Do what you can! 

Greetings to all who oppose BRT

Commissioner Bill Lee and Utah County taxpayers need our help, so you are needed once again!

Here’s the problem:  The UTA and their Lobbyists are spending over $425,000 to get voters convinced to vote for the 4th Quarter Sales tax (“Proposition 1”) …and if that tax passes on November 3rd the UTA will get another $7 million from Utah County residents to waste.

Note: Over half of that $425,000 was put up by the companies that will profit from the new tax by selling Buses and other business services to the UTA.  It’s outrageous.

Meanwhile, other than presentations explaining why this tax should be opposed that Commissioner Bill Lee and Casey Voeks have been giving to handfuls of voters; there has been no organized opposition to Proposition 1.  (We have to fix that)

Here’s the solution:  You are the solution. After talking about what needs to be done with Commissioner Lee and others we have registered a domain for a website (, gotten pricing for yard signs and door flyer, tasked designers to create the materials we need, and now we just need some dedicated “doers” like yourself to make a difference.

Bottom Line:  If you’re getting this email it’s because you were instrumental in gathering BRT signatures and that means you pulled off a near miracle with very little time – surely we can do it again now.


Here’s the plan:  Below are several projects we either need to pay for or put some time into…We have 2 projects to raise funds for and 5 projects that require some time.  Please see what you can do to help and let’s do this. It’s time to stop UTA’s access to wasting our money.


1st  thing:  We need to get some Yard and street signs ordered right away, i.e. no later than Monday the 19th  – that’s 4 days from now.

We know we can get lawn signs with metal stakes for about $10 each at low quantities, and if we can buy enough the price can eventually drop to around $5 each, and have them printed and ready to distribute on Monday the 26th.

So Funds PROJECT 1 call to action is:  Let’s buy those signs!  Below is a paypal button for any or all of us to buy at least one sign for $10 each to put up in key places around the county. (Please buy as many as you can. If we get enough to get quantity price breaks the cost per sign will go down!)

“Against Prop 1” yard signs:

Bottom Line: If all of us on our BRT petition supporters list buy an average of 1 sign we’ll have more than 1,000 signs out on the streets the week before the election, at a cost that won’t break the bank.

Note:  If you buy 1 sign, we’ll deliver it to you and ask you to put it in your yard OR to find a key spot in your city.  However, if you are able to help buy more than 1 sign, we’ll have a crew put up the extra signs throughout the county for you.


Funds PROJECT 2 call to action:   Next, we need to print flyers for door to door distribution, which we can get done on good heavy stock for about $0.15 cents. So below is a paypal link to buy 50 flyers for $7.50

“Against Prop 1” Flyers:

Note:  If you buy 50 flyers, we’ll deliver them to you and ask you to deliver them around your neighborhood.  However, if you are able to help buy more than 50 flyers or can’t do the delivery yourself, we’ll have crews to deliver the flyers throughout the county for you.


Time Projects 3 to 10: Call to Action

NOTE:  Please reply to this email if you can help with any of these projects and let us know what projects (by number) you can help with:

Project 3 (Time sensitive)  Municipal Candidate Calling:  We need to identify any and all City Council candidates and Mayoral candidates who are running for election and get them on record as to whether they support or oppose the 4th Quarter Sales tax (Prop 1)

Project 4 (Time sensitive)  State Reps & Senators Calling:  We need to identify any and all Utah County state Senators and Reps and get them on record as to whether they support or oppose the 4th Quarter Sales tax (Prop 1)

Project 5:  (week of 10/19):  “Let UTA take us for a Ride”:  This one should be fun!  We need a lot of Volunteers to ride UTA Bus routes and do our own count of actual boarding’s and ridership. This will be a PR event/project to shed light on how few people ride UTA in the county. This can be done morning, mid-day, or evening so we should be able to fit this around people’s schedules.

The first route we will ride and report on is the BRT route…Our favorite!….and then if we have enough volunteers we’ll keep adding routes to ride.

Project 6 (week of 10/26): Sign Distribution Volunteers: To help distribute and/or install signs

Project 7 (week of 10/26):  Door to Door Flyer delivery:  To help deliver flyers door-to-door


Copyright © 2015 BRT – Let the People Decide, All rights reserved.
BRT – Let the people decide!Our mailing address is:BRT – Let the People Decide

793 Orchard Dr

Pleasant Grove, Ut 84062
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