Presentation by Wendy Gourley.
Resource: the circle of the nine muses by David Hutchens.
We had a great presentation by Wednesday. It was great to meet some new people as well. She emphasized how stories can be used in the business environment.
Stories of identity:
– They can tell you what you are or what your business is about.
– One important identify sort is the origin story. How did we begin? (the company , the project, your person journey.)
– Everyday moments can also be identify stories if they reveal something about who you are.
Stories of values:
– These stories show how an organization is living up to its values.
– Don’t be afraid to admit to failure. It can be the source of knowledge to build your success. Your story can be what you learned from that failure. Finding and sharing those stories can shape your organization’s identify.
– Look out for them.
Stories of Vision:
– These stories tell where we are going and what we are about.
– A story connects to people more deeply than a vision statement.
– One kind of vision story is a future story. If you were to state what your hopes for your future are as if its already come true.
Stories of change and Learning:
– When did you make a mistake but you learned form it or change how you operate?
– When did you have ah-aha moment that brought a shift in thinking or new understating?
– These are the hardest stories to tell as it teaks vulnerability, but they can be the most powerful and impactful for your organization.
Look for these stories. Ask for them, capture them, craft them and tell them.