What do you know about utility fees increasing each year until we will be paying an average of $560 more every year? What is the Southwest Annex and how much is it going to cost you? What is the State Street Master Plan and the current status of the Bus Rapid Transit? How will the proposed ¼ cent sales tax increase affect our city? Why are so many high rise apartments under construction? To find out, attend a cottage meeting near you.
There are five candidates running for three city council seats. Candidates Hans Anderson (current council member) and Claude Richards (who helped stop the Orem City property tax increase in 2013) are doingpresentations in neighborhoods around the city so citizens can learn about current issues in Orem.
The municipal election is just a few weeks away.
NOW is the time to become informed!
Please plan to attend one of these cottage meetings and bring a friend! ALSO mark your calendar for Oct 8th to hear County Commissioner Bill Lee address Proposition 1: the proposed unnecessary ¼ cent sales tax increase.
Governments ALWAYS want to grow. They thrive on more taxes and more regulations.
Do you want ever expanding government, debt, taxes and fees?
If you want them to represent YOU, vote ONLY for these two conservative candidates because voting for a third might help one of the other three get elected instead.
For more information on Claude’s and Han’s views on the issues, or to donate or volunteer go to:
www.clauderichards.com and www.voteforhans.com
Wed. 23 Sept @ 7:00 – Host Mary Kay Harper (801-225-5994) 1122 N 800 E (south of cemetery and 1200N on E side
Thurs. 24 Sept @ 8:00 – Host Judith Skousen (801-224-2613) 665 N. 500 E.
Fri 25 Sept @ 7:00 pm -Host Janice Sipherd (801-494-1054) 1588 S 705 E.
Tues 29 Sept @ 6:30 pm -Host Walt Cryer (801-225-5895) 221 E 1950 S
Thurs 1 Oct@ 8:30 pm -Host Mike Thompson (801) 615- 7326 1010 W 1420 N
Thurs 8 Oct @ 7:00 pm -Commissioner Bill Lee at 7:00 pm in Pleasant Grove on Proposition #1- the ¼ cent sales tax
EVERY FRIDAY @ 10:00 am- Hans’ Radio Show – Learn even MORE about what is going on. Listen on KSTR radio -1400 am
* VOTER REGISTRATION –Oct 5 is the last day to register to vote by mailing in registration form. Oct 27 is last day to register online or at county clerk’s office. BUT DON’T WAIT!