I attended an emergency conference with some good information. Here are some ideas about emergency preparedness.
– Bad things happen to good people.
– Preparation makes the difference between and adventure or life threatening disaster. For example, always have winter clothing in your vehicle. If you live in Montana because a bad storm can hit even in
– Prepare for the worst and hope – pray – work with the best. You need to practice changing a tire. Someone had a tire underneath a bedrock got caught with a flat and found he didn’t have the key to unlock the tire to get access to it. Had the guy practiced he wouldn’t know about the key and had one.
– Learn the skills you can border your skills against others, and that you can become a value to the community. Know how to cook from scratch, or have security training or no about herbs. Another way is to have extra food in your food supply. A good source of the little extras is that when you visit a hotel. Take the complementary items such as coffee soaps etc.
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