Clyde Bundy Presentation by biographer:


Clyde Bundy is the rancher who paid taxes to NV State but not to the Federal Government. Feels he is following the constitution and that the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is/was abusing their authority. These are notes from his biographer who wrote a book about the incident and gave a presentation at a conference I attended this year.

– Cycle Bundy called out for help on his cows being taken by government.
– Spread word of Clyde’s plights to media and friends
– Power of land management should be from the people to the state not government.
– The conflict is not about cows but constitution
– Feds snuck in took the cattle and sold them to auction (two decades ago)
– Auctioneer was told if you sell them, you’re out of business. He didn’t sale them.
– Bundy risked his livelihood for constitutional
– BLM vehicles came – told crowd to disperse, can’t take pictures,
– Forced one guy to ground. Shoved face into gravel.
– Article 3 section 1: discussed state rights
– BLM agent body slammed old woman/ cancer survivor who was yelling at BLM people.
– Amon got upset and confronted agent, he was tassered 3 times
– People came from around the United States to support the constitution.
– Author had attended restoring love gathering at Washington DC
– At one point at a separate confrontation BLM said they were going to shoot the people.
– Found huge pit where cows were killed and buried.
– Cycle was becoming a hero.
– Media made something up. Thus the black prejudice comments created by CNN
– Reports falsely said he did not pay his taxes, interviewed him

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