I recently attended a Book of Mormon evidence conference. I listened to a number of panels that gave archaeological evidence of where certain things could have occurred in Northern America that matched the Book of Mormon. It was a great conference. Today’s topic is on the Heartland where many people feel the Neiphi lived in North America.
– Occam Razor: when looking among conflict in theories. Follow the one that has to rely upon the least assumptions.
– The book of Mormon is for both Jewish and Christian.
– The book of Mormon makes the following covenant: if we live the 10 Commandments and serve the God of this land, he will give us the blessings of liberty prosperity and protection.
– More evidence validating that the heartland contains descendants of Israel. A book by aimberli Nelson called A Relic, talks about this explorer meeting an Indian tribe and seeing how reverently they treated an object for the ceremonies. He got permission to open it and inside the container was written in a language close to Hebrew.