It was another great year at Life the Universe and Everything. These are the notes I took from the panel on dark humor.
– There are two local small press publications in Utah County. At BYU. There is the leading-edge. It’s a semiprofessional market cell of the office of modesty. The second publication is warp, and weave Journal. It’s produced at Utah Valley State College. It is still amateur in that doesn’t pay
– The leading-edge has had several decades to develop a readership and exposure. So 95% of the submissions, from outside the Utah Valley.
– Warp and weave has most of the submissions coming from Utah Valley campus or Orem high school. Since a teacher at Orem high used to be a staff member of the Journal. He has become a good source of submissions. There have been some very talented high school students that have had their material close to the magazine.
– The virtue of a small press publication over the more advanced high print publications is these magazines can take advantage of new ideas and respond to them in a more quick manner. In the digital age, audio books and become more in demand. Small press is an opportunity for new authors to experience what it feels like to be an author. There is one high school student that had assigning party, and family members came to support that author, and was a wonderful experience for them to have.
– Both magazines appreciate community support and support from their respective universities.