I went to a lecture that talked about body language. Here are some of more of the notes I took. The subject of body language has always fascinated me. This information can be useful in giving speeches, writing characters and story telling.
Legs represent balance board. The stand on one leg a lot depicts that your life might not be balanced. Practice standing on both legs. When people stand on both legs. They depict strain.
If both feet are facing they are interested in what you have to say. If one foot is facing away toward the door. They plan/thinking of leaving.
Conversation between couples: a finger on the mouth. When they can’t say it. They make the salad fingers on the mouth as if holding back and say something. It’s a partner is not permitted to speak. They feel that their opinion is not valued. For a guy he will usually rubbed his back, rather than put a finger to his lips. You can eliminate a lot of problems in the relationship by observing your partner’s language.
Shaking hands: is a chance to connect body space. If you want to create a neutral space with someone new, shake their hand exactly like they shake hands. Do not trust him enough of hand. As someone turned your hand under theirs during a handshake is using a sign of dominance over you. Twisted back to that you can show that you not subservient.
1 to 2 seconds of hand shake and will make you more memorable. Look for yourself. Reflection and the other person. I have just a moment. It helps you keep connected. Females can pop another female’s bubble zone with a hand on the shoulder elbow.
We need to govern our own space.
Seven-year-olds are still the age that they want love and support.
We must remove judgment when we observe another’s movements. It is your chance. Ask for?
A person comes that was 650 words to communicate every minute. 600 5050 USC spoken. The other 500 words or contained inside the body in order, released through body language. It’s a subconscious releasing the thoughts of those 500 words and is depicted in movement and wiggle
We make a commitment and close your eyes; it means that they are mentally unconscious and thus the test itself from the problems.
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