Suggestions about world building:


Found an old tape of LTUE and here are some comments about world building in writing. It was good to hear Marian K smith’s voice again. He was the moderator of the panel.

A writer cannot assume or expect details of their worlds to already exist, such as a moon etc. The characters need to act like they take the traits of their world for granted. Many readers like to become aware that everything and don’t like being fed their exiting setting.
The author needs get inside the character and she the world through their eyes. You don’t want to tell how far off the ground the door knob is.
Many readers want to discover the word for themselves. They don’t want to be told everything. They don’t like to be talked down to, or explained to.

Those are a few ideas on voice. Have something to add, or have a fond memory of Professor Marian K. Smith at BYU? Please share in the comment section of this blog.

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