We are the people we associate with. If we associate with dishonest people constantly, there is a good chance we agree with their actions and may also be dishonest. If we associate with people of integrity, it could mean that we want to be people of integrity.
Hope this lesson can of interest to youth ministries, family devotionals, and Sunday school and family home evenings.
Make Jell-O in two glass cups. When the Jell-O is set, briefly dip the cups into hot water to melt the Jell-O around the edge so you can get the Jell-O to exit the cup to place each mold on a plate. Keep one mold in the fridge where it remains cool and the other mold outside in the heat.
See which one last longer.
The Jell-O can be compare to who we associate with. Do we want to be in an environment where we can maintain our honor and integrity? Then we will want to associate with individuals who share that same goal. If not, then the heat of outside, temptation and submission to negative action to aide us in losing our form of integrity.
If you have an alternative idea on how to use the mold in cups object lesson feel free to alter it.